
China - Pigs get ID chips

Pigs in southwest China from Friday began having two identity chips fixed on their back legs detailing where they were butchered, examined and sold.
24 November 2009
Pigs in southwest China from Friday began having two identity chips fixed on their back legs detailing where they were butchered, examined and sold.

Two plastic rings containing the chips with information on where the pig was bred are fixed around the pig's hinder limbs before it is sold to a slaughterhouse. Additional information is added to the chips as the pig gets slaughtered, inspected and sold to the end market.

The chip is scanned when each piece of pork is sold so that the customer can have a receipt with a code that links to an entry that records the slaughter, inspection and sale of the pork in a city database. The customer could inquire about the pork by phone, text message or on the administration's website to ensure it was safely bred, butchered, stored and transported as well as properly examined.

Each of the pork pigs sold in Chengdu will get ID chips by the end of next April


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