
China - Remarkable achievements made in prevention and control of fatal animal epidemics

In the first half of this year, the Ministry of Agriculture dispatched 40 supervision groups with a total of 125 persons/times to guide local prevention and control work. Meanwhile, intensive measures were adopted in reporting and inspecting epidemics, and 55 outbreaks of animal epidemics were inspected.
27 July 2010
In the first half of this year, the Ministry of Agriculture dispatched 40 supervision groups with a total of 125 persons/times to guide local prevention and control work. Meanwhile, intensive measures were adopted in reporting and inspecting epidemics, and 55 outbreaks of animal epidemics were inspected.

The acceptability rates of immune antibodies of avian flu, highly pathogenic porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome (PRRS), foot-and-mouth disease (FMD), and swine fever, met national standards. By the end of June, no outbreaks of highly pathogenic avian flu and FMD type Asia-I had been reported; FMD type A and O, and peste des petits ruminants (PPR) had been rapidly exterminated; and highly pathogenic PRRS had been effectively kept under control. Decisive and vigorous measures were adopted in particular by departments of animal husbandry and veterinary at all levels to prevent the spreading of newly introduced FMD type O.


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