According to Rabobank, the astonishing drop of the Chinese hog and sow herd will impact the entire global pork market in the remainder of 2015 and into 2016.
Over the last 18 months, China’s pork industry has experienced one of the largest culls on record: a decline of nearly 100 million head in China’s hog herd and 10 million in its breeding herd.

“For 2015, Rabobank expects China’s pork production to decline by 6.5 percent, the third-largest decline in production in the last 40 years. This will be supported by a 600,000 tonne increase in imports – primarily from the EU, the US and Canada– in the second half of 2015,” according to Rabobank Animal Protein Analyst William Sawyer.
Wednesday Augsut 19, 2015/ Rabobank/ The Netherlands.