To further strengthen the regulation over veterinary drugs and heavily punish unlawful deeds, MARA has revised the Announcement on the Heavy Punishment for Serious Illegal Acts Concerning Veterinary Drugs, targeting at potential risks of quality and safety of veterinary drugs. Illegal acts crossing the red line and the bottom line, especially the intentional manufacturing, selling and use of counterfeit products, will be punished heavily to improve the quality and safety of veterinary drugs. First, the intensity of punishment is further enhanced. For example, the veterinary drug manufacturing licence shall be revoked in the case of the production of more than 2 kinds or 2 (5 in the past) times of veterinary drugs without an approval number granted by the administrative department for veterinary medicine. Second, new cases inviting heavy punishment have been added. For example, in Article 56 of the Regulations on Administration of Veterinary Drugs, another three practices, including the unauthorized change of bacteria (viruses, pests) or the illegal addition of other bacteria (viruses, pests) in the production of veterinary vaccines, will lead to the revocation of the veterinary drug manufacturing and distribution licence. Third, punishment for illegal deeds during the process of production is strengthened. For example, in Article 59 of the Regulations, another six practices, including producing veterinary drugs outside verified veterinary drug GMP workshops for more than two times, will lead to the revocation of the veterinary drug manufacturing and distribution licence. Fourth, the punishment for unlawful acts leading to the cancellation of the approval number of a veterinary product or the revocation of a registration certificate of imported veterinary drugs is intensified. Three more illegal acts are added, including the case in which the producer fails to pass the sampling tests for over 3 times. In addition, the punishment for the illegal use of fake veterinary vaccines is also intensified.
The issuance and implementation of the Announcement provides a more targeted, operative and strong law enforcement basis for competent animal husbandry and veterinary authorities at all levels to crack down on the illegal acts related to veterinary drugs in accordance with laws, and will better maintain the quality and safety of animal products and guarantee public health security.

Thursday December 20, 2018/ MARA/ China.