The local animal husbandry and veterinary departments should urge the pig slaughterhouses to act actively, create conditions, and carry out self-inspections regarding African swine fever as soon as possible.
The deadline should be clearly defined according to the size of the abattoir and to the extent of its market:

- Slaughterhouses doing cross-provincial sales of pig products, having over 100,000 head/year, and integrated pig slaughtering and processing enterprises will carry out self-inspections regarding African swine fever as by April 1st
- Abattoirs with more than 50,000 slaughterings will carry out self-inspections regarding African swine fever by May 1st
- Other slaughterhouses will carry out self-inspections by July 1st.
In the case that the testing requirements cannot be fulfilled by the aforementioned deadline, the competent animal husbandry and veterinary departments shall handle the matter in accordance with the Regulations on Livestock Slaughter Management and Relevant Provisions.
The competent animal husbandry and veterinary departments shall order the abattoirs to build laboratories that meet the technical requirements for PCR testing, and will organize the testing reagent supply units to train the abattoir's technicians regarding the test. It is necessary to encourage and support the veterinary laboratories certified for the testing of African swine fever so they provide standardized social services and undertake the task of carrying out inspections at the abattoirs. It is necessary to strengthen the testing capacity of the African swine fever laboratories for the prevention and control of the disease at a county level, and meet the demand for carrying out tests for small abattoirs that do not have the ability to monitor African swine fever.
Friday, March 15th, 2019/ MARD/ China.