
China: two more Chinese labs recognized as OIE Reference Lab

One of the two labs is the Swine Streptococcosis Diagnosis Lab of Nanjing Agricultural University.

6 June 2013

Two more Chinese labs were accredited as OIE-recognized Reference Lab at the 81st General Session of the World Assembly of Delegates of the World Organization for Animal Health (OIE)in Paris on May 29th, 2013.

The two labs are the Livestock and Poultry Parasitology Lab of Lanzhou Institute of Veterinary Research (LIVR) under Chinese Academy of Agricultural Science (CAAS) and the Swine Streptococcosis Diagnosis Lab of Nanjing Agricultural University. This brought the number of OIE Reference Lab in China to 11.

Prior to this, the OIE had a global network of 236 Reference Labs in 37 countries, covering 112 diseases/topics. The 11 OIE-recognized Reference Labs in China each covers a disease/topic.

The increasing number of OIE Reference Labs in China shows growing worldwide recognition to the competency of Chinese veterinary labs, would induce China's greater participation in international standard-setting, and may in turn uplift veterinary service performance in China.

Monday June 3, 2013/ Ministry of Agriculture/ China.

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