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Japan: Classical swine fever found in wild boars in major pig-producing area

This is the first case of classical swine fever in Kyushu in wild boars. The island of Kyushu accounts for about one-third of Japan's domestic pigs.

12 June 2024

On June 6, two wild boars were confirmed to be infected with classical swine fever (CSF) in Karatsu City, Saga Prefecture near a farm where the disease was confirmed in August last year. This is the first time that a wild boar has been confirmed to be infected with swine fever on the island of Kyushu. Kyushu accounts for about one-third (2.8 million) of Japan's 8.95 million pigs.

The Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries plans to strengthen surveillance and capture of wild boars and implement oral vaccination in some areas. Vaccination of domestic pigs will continue.

The National Agriculture and Food Research Organization's Animal Health Research Division is attempting a detailed genetic analysis of the CSF virus detected in this case, and the relationship between this outbreak and other cases, including the outbreak at the farm last year will be examined.

June 7, 2024/ Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries/ Japan.

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