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Codex Alimentarius: Guidelines for the control of Trichinella spp. parasites in pork

La carne porcina de las zonas de escaso riesgo puede ser objeto de comercio sin pruebas extensivas, mientras que las canales de las zonas donde hay riesgo de contagio de Trichinella continuarán siendo examinadas a fondo.

8 July 2015

The United Nations food standards body Codex Alimentarius Commission is meeting in Geneva from 6 to 11 July 2015 to examine food safety and quality standards.

Food-producing animals may have parasites. Trichinella is a parasite that may be found in the meat of pigs and other animals. When humans eat meat produced by animals infected with Trichinella that is raw or undercooked, some parasites may remain and cause acute and severe illness. Laws requiring intensive carcass testing to ensure meat is not infected with Trichinella have been part of veterinary public health practices for more than a century. However, in areas where the risk of pigs carrying Trichinella is negligible, farmers are no longer required to test each individual carcass. The Codex Alimentarius Commission has adopted risk-based guidelines to ensure that all pig meat is safe, while freeing up food control resources to be used where they are most needed. Pig meat from negligible risk areas can be traded without extensive testing, whereas carcasses from areas where Trichinella may infect pigs will continue to be tested rigorously.

Monday July 6, 2015/ FAO.

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