The aim of the rehearsal, that was carried out from June 12th to 15th in Medellin, was to train the veterinarians regarding the assistance of pigs in case of a disease, highlighting the procedures for an appropriate attention regarding the notification, the control and the eventuality, as well as evaluating the intervention of the emergencies team when faced with an hypothetic disease situation, checking the actions performed, the way of accessing the information, the taking of samples, and the implementation of control, containment and eradication measures.
In this rehearsal, veterinarians from the midwestern region of Colombia, where the main pig production core, deemed free of classical swine fever by the WOAH, is located, participated.

This event was organised jointly, in the context of the technical cooperation project with the Danish Veterinary Agency and the embassy, that supported the ICA with the participation of experts from the Danish veterinary service.
Thursday, 15 June 2017/ ICA/ Colombia.