Through Resolution 22077, the ICA established the compulsory vaccination against classical swine fever (CSF) in some areas of Colombia, as well as the requirements for the movements of animals in these areas and the commercialisation and distribution of the vaccine.
The measure applies to all the natural people and legal entities that have, move and/or commercialise pigs, as well as those with pig farms and that commercialise and/or distribute biological products or the vaccine against classical swine fever in the area formed by the following municipalities:
Apartadó, Arboletes, Cáceres, Carepa, Caucasia (except the rural districts of Cutura, Puerto Triana and Puerto Colombia), Chigorodó, Mutatá, Nechí, Necoclí, San Juan de Urabá, San Pedro de Urabá, Tarazá, Turbo, and Valdivia (rural districts of Monteblanco, La Siberia, Playa Rica, Juantas, El Quince, El Catorce, Puquí, Puerto Raudal, Los Pomos, Cachirime, La Paulina, La Alemana, Raudal Viejo, La Coposa, Las Camelias, Las Palomas), in Antioquia.
Likewise, in Hato Corozal, Paz de Ariporo, Támara, Pore, Trinidad, San Luis de Palenque, Nunchía, Orocué, El Yopal, Aguazul, and Maní, in Casanare; Argelia, Balboa, Florencia and Mercaderes, in Cauca, and Cubará, in Boyacá.
As well as all the municipalities in Arauca, Atlántico, Bolívar, Cesar, Córdoba, La Guajira, Magdalena, Nariño, Norte de Santander, Putumayo and Sucre.
The health authorities also established that the vaccination scheme will be as follows:
- The piglets shall receive their first vaccine between 45 and 60 days of age.
- The gilts shall be vaccinated at 4 or 5 months of age.
- The sows shall be vaccinated twice yearly after the 90th day of pregnancy or during the first week of lactation.
- The boars shall be vaccinated twice yearly.
- The sows and boars shall be identified with the official tag when starting their production cycle, and they will keep it during the following vaccination cycles.
Only the vaccines registered at the ICA shall be used, and they will contain classical swine fever modified live virus (Chinese strain) adapted in cell culture.
Wednesday, July 18th, 2018/ ICA/ Colombia.