The Colombian Agricultural Institute (ICA) has published Resolution No. 68170, declaring the first zone free from Aujeszky's disease infection and laying down the conditions for the declaration.
From 2015 to 2019, serological samples were taken by ELISA in the west-central and east-central parts of the country with negative results, demonstrating the absence of virus activity.
Pig farmers who are located in any of the municipalities in the area established by these regulations:
- should immediately notify the nearest local ICA office if there are animals presenting clinical signs consistent with Aujeszky's disease,
- may not vaccinate animals against Aujeszky's disease,
- may not introduce animals unless they come from a country, zone, or premises free of Aujeszky's disease.
Vaccination against Aujeszky's disease virus is not and has never been carried out in Colombia.
June 2020/ ICA/ Colombia.