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Colombia suffers a 55% decline in pork production due to demonstrations

The social crisis affecting Colombia in recent weeks has halved pork production.

18 May 2021

According to Porkcolombia, the daily production of pork in the country is 1,300 tons, however, due to the current crisis, 720 tons per day have not been produced and marketed, which represents losses for the pork sector that reach 100,000 million pesos, mainly related to cost overruns due to increased farm inventory and low sales.

The welfare of the animals is also affected, as they are at risk of death or malnutrition due to the lack of feed that has not been able to reach 5,700 farms.

Finally, according to the official communication of the aforementioned entity, the volume of pork available to the consumer has fallen between 50% and 80% depending on the degree to which the product has been affected, which has caused prices to rise by an average of 20% during the last week.

May 11, 2021/ Porkcolombia/ Colombia.

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