“The Health Register number and the Health Entry of farms will be the tools that will allow to monitor the health status of the farms with the aim of defining strategies regarding the prevention, control and eradication of officially controlled, unusual and notifiable diseases”, said Mr. Juan Andrés Angulo, Assistant Manager of Animal Protection of the ICA.
The regulations established in the decision will be applicable to all the individuals or companies, owners, possessors or holders of farms that produce cattle, buffaloes, horses, pigs, sheep, goats and fowl in Colombia.

Any farm shall register at the ICA’s local office in its region, at the nearest office or at the town hall, provided that it has a valid agreement with the ICA.
The farms that fulfil the following conditions will have to register at the ICA:
- Cattle and buffaloes: dairy farms with more than 15 animals, and in the case of beef or double purpose cattle, those with more than 20 animals.
- Pigs: farms with 5 or more sows, or 30 or more animals in total.
- Sheep and goats: farms with 10 or more animals.
- Fowl: farms with 200 or more animals.
- Horses: any farm, regardless of the number of animals.
The ICA explains that all the farms producing animals pertaining to these species and located in areas near the borders, especially in the departments of Nariño, Putumayo, Vichada, Arauca, Norte de Santander, La Guajira, and the municipality of Cubará, in the department of Boyacá, shall register at the ICA depending on the health status in the region.
The livestock farms with less animals than shown will not be subject to the Health Registry of farms at the ICA. Instead of that, the farms shall register at the ICA’s local office in its region, at the nearest office or at the town hall, provided that it has a valid agreement with the ICA.
Friday, September 15th, 2017/ ICA/ Colombia.