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Colombia: the ICA invests some $6,300 million to support agriculture and livestock health

The ICA invested almost $6,300 million in inspection, surveillance and control activities to strengthen the livestock and agricultural species' health.

3 March 2015

The Colombian Agriculture and Livestock Institute (ICA) invested almost $6,300 million in inspection, surveillance and control activities to strengthen the health of the livestock and agricultural species that are important in the coffee-growing axis and to favour the access to international markets.

  • Caldas: During 2014, the total amount invested in this department has been $1,630 million. In the livestock sector of Caldas, the investment amounted $1,300 million for the eradication of tuberculosis, and the support in the free and low-prevalence areas; bovine spongiform encephalopathy; foot-and-mouth disease; classical swine fever; brucellosis; and avian diseases such as Newcastle's, salmonellosis and influenza. 
  • Quindío: The ICA invested $798 million in 2013 to carry out activities in the livestock and agriculture fields in this department. $484 million were allocated for the eradication of tuberculosis, bovine spongiform encephalopathy, foot-and-mouth disease and brucellosis, as well as for the control of other diseases, including avian ones; the animal identification and traceability, the harmlessness supervision and certification, the illegal agriculture and livestock supplies, and the epidemiologic information and surveillance.
  • Risaralda: In this department, resources close to $821 million were invested. $527 million were allocated to livestock activities, and they were shared between free and low-prevalence areas; the eradication of brucellosis, tuberculosis, foot-and-mouth diease, bovine spongiform encephalopathy, classical swine fever and Newcastle's disease; and also for the control of other diseases, and identification and traceability, Good Stockbreeding Practices, illegal agriculture and livestock supplies, and epidemiologic surveillance.
  • Antioquia: In this department, the ICA invested $3,046 million in 2014. They were allocated for stockbreeding and agricultural activities. The Institute invested $2,015 million for the eradication of diseases, and in free and low-prevalence areas of diseases such as tuberculosis, bovine spongiform encephalopathy, brucellosis, foot-and-mouth disease, classical swine fever; the strengthening of health programmes, avian diseases, and the control and eradication of other animal diseases, as well as for the identifiction system, harmlessness, epidemiologic surveillance, and illegal agriculture and livestock supplies.

Thursday, 19 February 2015/ ICA/ Colombia.

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