During a meeting held with the executive president of the Colombian Pig Producers' Association (Asoporcicultores), Mr. Carlos Maya Calle; the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development, Mr. Aurelio Iragorri Valencia, highlighetd the actions for the promotion of productivity (carried out by Asoporcicultores) and the increase in pork consumption.
Pork consumption has gone from 4.22 kg per capita in 2009 to 6.75 kg in 2013. This shows an important rise in demand, and it has allowed the sector to enjoy relatively competitive price levels during the last four years.

On the other hand, Maya explained that the sector wants to double its production in the next seven years. In order to do this, there will be negotiations with the Agrarian Bank for the establishment of a Rural Capitalization Incentive (RCI) for the new infrastructures and a special line of credit for the updating of the technology and the equipment for a higher competitiveness.
The annual pig census has been growing during the last years, and in 2013 it was 3,039,050 heads (an increase by 2.5% in comparison with 2012).
Thursday, 13 November 2014/ Minagri/ Colombia.