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Colombia maintains the foot-and-mouth disease-free status with vaccination

Despite the entrance of contraband animals positive to foot-and-mouth disease, the containment allows to maintain the status in Colombia.

24 April 2018

The World Organisation for Animal Health (WOAH/OIE) received the Colombian report regarding the situation in Arauca due to the entrance of 15 animals positive to foot-and-mouth disease smuggled from Venezuela, and decided to maintain and ratify the foot-and-mouth disease-free status with vaccination of Colombia.

The announcement was made by the President of the Republic, Mr Juan Manuel Santos Calderón.

The report drafted by the WOAH/OIE was sent by the Chief of the World Animal Health Information and Analysis Department, Ms Paula Cáceres-Soto, to the General Manager of the ICA (Colombian Agricultural Institute), Mr Luis Humberto Martínez Lacouture, stating, literally “that after analysing the situation internally and bearing in mind that the animals did not come into contact with other susceptible species, this immediate notification will not be published because it is deemed that the disease was contained and that there was no spreading, as shown in the epidemiologic report delivered by the Institute”.

Friday, April 13th, 2018/ ICA/ Colombia.

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