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Colombia: opening of the first Agriculture and Livestock Inspection and Transport Centre (CITAG)

The CITAG, strategically located in the El Dorado Airport (Bogotá) will help to strengthen the prevention programmes to avoid the entrance of pests and diseases.

1 June 2015

The Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development of Colombia, Mr. Aurelio Iragorri Valencia, and the General Manager of the Colombian Agriculture and Livestock Institute (ICA), Mr. Luis Humberto Martínez Lacouture, inaugurated the first Agriculture and Livestock Inspection and Transport Centre (CITAG) in this country.

The CITAG, strategically located in the El Dorado Airport (Bogotá) will help to strengthen the prevention programmes to avoid the entrance of pests and diseases, helping thus to maintain the health and phytosanitary status of Colombia through the inspection of plants, animals, agriculture and livestock products, and other products that enter Colombia.

The CITAG will guarantee the inspection, surveillance, control, sampling and providing of first aid to the animals that enter the country or are in international transit in the El Dorado Airport.

Friday, 22 May 2015/ ICA/ Colombia.

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