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Colombia quarantines five municipalities due to CSF

As a health control measure, the municipalities of El Playón, Lebrija, Bucaramanga, Girón and Rionegro were quarantined.

23 September 2015

With the aim of guaranteeing animal health in the country, and as a part of the Classical Swine Fever Eradication Programme measures, the Colombian Agricultural Institute (ICA) slaughtered 84 animals in the municipality of Rionegro (Santander) and quarantined the municipalities of El Playón, Lebrija, Bucaramanga, Girón and Rionegro.

As a part of the control and prevention measures brought forward by the ICA, a monitoring of the presence of Classical Swine Fever (CSF) outbreaks was carried out in the department of Santander in the face of the notification of clinical pictures compatible with this disease, and they gave a positive result. Due to this, the ICA ordered the slaughtering of the affected animals and the ones that made contact with the ones infected, and implemented the protocols considered in the ICA's contingency plan for CSF in each of the activities designed to counteract the outbreak, such as quarantineing the affected municipalities and the epidemiologic surveillance within 10 km.

Tuesday, 15 September 2015/ ICA/ Colombia.

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