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Colombia strengthens the CSF eradication program

The Colombian Agricultural Institute (ICA) and the Colombian Association of Pork Producers trained 52 vaccinator technicians in order to increase immunization coverage against CSF.

22 October 2015

The Colombian Agricultural Institute (ICA) and the Colombian Association of Pork Producers trained 52 vaccinator technicians in order to increase immunization coverage against Classical Swine Fever, and achieve control and eradication of the virus in the Department.

Training for the vaccinators included the use of audiovisual materials to illustrate the pathological lesions and clinical signs caused by the disease in the animal, prevention, lessons on outbreak control and eradication, and strategies to advance the vaccination of the pig population.

Also, the Colombian Association of Pork Producers increased the number of vaccinators and donated, on loan for use agreement, a refrigeration unit to ICA's sectional Sucre in order to ensure the quality of the cold chain for the biological used in this Department.

"In Sucre,103,000 pigs were immunized in about 6 months and, as an additional measure, two checkpoints will be set up in the Department to prevent illegal transport of pigs, including a mobile station, which will allow for effective control in the eradication of classical swine fever" said the Sectional Manager of ICA in Sucre, Iván Sierra Martínez.

Friday, October 9, 2015 / ICA / Colombia.

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