During the International Animal Welfare Science Congress, in which recognised international experts offered details of the inter-institutional and cross-sector work that they carry out in animal welfare matters, the Colombian Agriculture and Livestock Institute (ICA) popularised the tasks that it performs, together with the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, to develop initiatives aimed at improving the livestock welfare conditions.
“Colombia and the ICA are committed to the development of animal welfare regulations applicable to all the production chain, in which the professional ethics, the production systems, the unions and human health join together”, highlighted the assistant manager for Animal Protection of the Institute, Ms Mariluz Villamil Sandoval.

For the ICA it is important that in Colombia the use of practices that allow to reduce stress and anxiety, and improve the living conditions of all the animals in all the production stages, including their transport to the abattoir, are promoted, therefore guaranteeing good welfare conditions.
According to Chilean experts, that participated as lecturers in the international congress, the animal welfare concept refers to the situation of the animal and to the way in which it faces the conditions in its environment, that it has a good health, feels comfortable, is well fed and feels safe, that it is kept free from diseases and that it receives the appropriate veterinary treatments.
“In the same way as, several years ago now, the 'One Health' concept emerged, today the 'One Welfare' concept is also paving its way, and this is important always that it helps to improve the health and management conditions of livestock”, pointed out Ms Villamil Sandoval.
The founder of 'One Welfare', Ms Rebecca García Pinillos, who is a model in terms of animal welfare before the World Organisation on Animal Health (WOAH/OIE), offered, during the event, details on her initiative, that is gaining strength around the world.
Saturday, May 18th, 2019/ ICA/ Colombia.