The Commission authorised two Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs), both for food and feed uses (MON 87427 × MON 89034 × 1507 × MON 88017 × 59122, and maize combining two, three or four of the single MON 87427, MON 89034, 1507, MON 88017 and 59122) and renewed the authorisation of one (maize NK603 x MON 810) also for food and feed.
All of these Genetically Modified Organisms have gone through a comprehensive authorisation procedure, including a favourable scientific assessment by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA). The authorisation decisions do not cover cultivation. All Member States had the right to express their view in the Standing Committee and subsequently the Appeal Committee, and the outcome is that the European Commission has the legal backing of the Member States to proceed with the authorisation. The authorisations are valid for 10 years, and any products produced from these Genetically Modified Organisms will be subject to the EU's strict labelling and traceability rules.

Thursday December 20, 2018/ EC/ European Union.