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Animal Health: Commission further updates control measures to combat African swine fever

A review of preparedness to ASF carried out by the EU Veterinary Emergency Team (CVET) for Romania and Hungary, due to their proximity with non-EU countries that may represent a specific ASF risk like Ukraine and Moldova, and for Estonia.

20 September 2016

A revision of EU control measures to combat the spread of African swine fever (ASF) was endorsed by Member State experts on Tuesday, 13 September 2016. These regionalised restrictions, reviewing the disease control measures for Lithuania and Poland, confirm the interim protective measures adopted by the Commission earlier on in August and September and reshape of the ASF regionalisation adapting the infected areas under restriction to the current risk posed by this very severe pig disease. This allows to specifically addressing the most recent cluster of disease outbreaks in domestic pigs which occurred this summer in Poland and that are being brought under control.

In addition, a review of preparedness to ASF carried out by the EU Veterinary Emergency Team (CVET) for Romania and Hungary, due to their proximity with non-EU countries that may represent a specific ASF risk like Ukraine and Moldova, and for Estonia, due to the events of this summer, was discussed. The intervention of experts help adaptation of the preparedness and preventive measures by Member States to the evolving situation under the current legislative framework and in line with the EU Strategy for African swine fever for the Eastern part of the EU. In particular, emphasis was put on the sophisticated wild boar management measures coupled with proportionate sustainable restrictive measures in pigs.

For more information, please see the Europa ASF page and the Animal Health Regulatory Committee page

Wednesday September 14, 2016/ EC/ European Union.

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