The 2018 programmes for the promotion of EU agri-food products will focus primarily on the markets with the greatest potential growth, essentially countries outside the European Union (EU).
The 2018 work programme was adopted on 15 November 2017, and as in previous years will allow EU funding from the common agricultural policy budget to be used to co-finance promotional campaigns for EU agri-food products.

A total of €179 million will be available for promotion programmes selected for EU co-financing in 2018, compared to €142 million in 2017.
The 2018 work programme continues along the same broad lines as previous promotion programmes, in particular focusing on increasing the number of individual campaigns aimed at non-EU countries with the highest potential of growth. Within the EU itself, the focus is essentially on co-financing campaigns designed to inform consumers about the various EU quality schemes and labels (organic, Protected Designation of Origin -PDO, Protected Geographical Indication -PGI, traditional speciality guaranteed -TSG).
Again as in previous years, a portion of the funding allocated for 2018 promotion campaigns is targeted at particular sectors: this year, the focus will be on promoting sustainable sheep/goat production to try to counter the impact of the ongoing difficulties the market is experiencing. An additional allocation has also been set aside for campaigns designed to promote healthy eating and increase the consumption of fruits and vegetables within the EU, a direct response to the difficulties the fruit and vegetable sector in particular has faced as a result of the Russian embargo.
The calls for proposals for specific campaigns will be published in January 2018. The call is open to a wide range of bodies, such as trade organisations, producer organisations and agri-food groups responsible for promotion activities. So called ‘simple’ programmes can be submitted by one or more organisations from the same EU country; the ‘multi’ programmes come from at least two national organisations from at least two member states, or from one or more European organisations.
Wednesday November 15, 2017/ EC/European Union.