The Commission updated the Council on the latest market developments in the main agricultural sectors. It also reported on the support measures agreed at the September 2015 and March 2016 Council meetings. In the debate that followed the measures currently in place were thoroughly evaluated.
Many ministers expressed continued concern about the current market situation, and stressed the need to alleviate the difficult situation facing European farmers and help the sustainability of the most affected sectors.

At the end of the meeting the presidency drew conclusions in which it calls upon the Commission to put forward in July, a set of measures which are both able to ease the current market pressure and are compatible with existing budgetary constraints.
According to Martijn van Dam, Dutch minister for agriculture and President of the Council, "despite the September and March packages of measures, the crisis in the dairy, pigmeat and fruit and vegetables sectors continues, due to a persistent imbalance between supply and demand. Farmers' incomes are negatively affected. The difficult situation is calling for additional measures as soon as possible, and we urged the Commission to present an additional financial package in July 2016."
Tuesday June 28, 2016/ Consilium/ European Union.