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Commitment to restore access to Argentina for Canadian pork

The final step remaining in the process will be a visit to Canada by Argentinian food safety officials who will conduct an audit of Canada’s meat inspection system.

22 November 2016

The commitment to restore access to Argentina for Canadian pork was announced by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau following a November 17 meeting in Buenos Aires with Argentinian President Mauricio Macri.

“A strategic priority of Canada’s export - dependent meat industry is competitive access to every country in the world,” said Canadian Meat Council President Troy Warren. “ Per capita pork consumption is increasing in Argentina and the restoration of access to that market will represent another concrete step toward the realization of this longstanding and high priority industry objective,” added Warren.

The final step remaining in the process will be a visit to Canada by Argentinian food safety officials who will conduct an audit of Canada’s meat inspection system. It is anticipated that, when achieved, the restoration of pork access to Argentina could result in exports of high quality Canadian cuts valued at approximately $16 million annually.

Friday November 18, 2016/ CMC/ Canada.

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