
Construction of first U.S. public Veterinary School in 40 years

In 2016, the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board adopted a report reiterating the critical shortages of large animal and rural veterinarians in Texas.

15 May 2018

The Amarillo City Council approved an amendment to a 2016 agreement between the Texas Tech University System (TTUS) and the Amarillo Economic Development Corporation (AEDC) to fund up to $69 million to ensure the construction of the Texas Tech University School of Veterinary Medicine (TTU SVM) in Amarillo, Texas.

Along with addressing the critical shortage of rural veterinarians, the TTU SVM will be the only veterinary school in the country co-located with a pharmacy school and medical school on the same campus, thus expanding opportunities to combine research efforts impacting both human and animal health.

“The Texas Tech veterinary school will provide our community and our region with decades of economic growth,” says AEDC Board of Directors Chairman Brian Heinrich. “The AEDC has the opportunity to position Amarillo as a hub for innovation in the human and animal health science industries--industries driving a multi-billion dollar global market growing bigger every year. The Texas Tech veterinary school will provide an exceptional return on our investment not only to Amarillo but to the generations of families throughout the panhandle and the state of Texas working in our livestock and food supply systems.”

The TTU SVM directly addresses the critical shortage of veterinarians serving rural communities in an innovative, cost effective manner by eliminating the creation of a teaching hospital and partnering with local and regional veterinarians. In 2016, the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board adopted a report reiterating the critical shortages of large animal and rural veterinarians in Texas, and the adverse impact on global food supplies.

Tuesday May 8, 2018/ Amarillo Press rtelease/ United States.

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