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Copa & Cogeca launch major campaign to underline multiple benefits of EU livestock sector

Copa & Cogeca launch major campaign to underline multiple benefits of EU livestock sector and meat for growth & jobs, vibrant rural areas, a balanced diet, and show the high production standards EU farmers meet.

25 April 2016

Copa & Cogeca launched a major campaign in Brussels to underline the multiple benefits of the EU livestock sector and meat for growth & jobs, vibrant rural areas, a balanced diet and to show the high production standards EU farmers meet.

Speaking at the event, Copa President Martin Merrild said “The nutritious benefits of eating beef, veal,pork, lamb, poultry & eggs, goatmeat and rabbit are all too clear, providing consumers with a good source of protein in their diet. Livestock farming is also crucial for the economies of rural areas where often no other source of employment exists. But we are up against increasing challenges, with commodity prices at an all time low and input costs on the rise. The EU is also accelerating free trade talks with the Latin American Trade bloc Mercosur which is expected to hit the EU agriculture sector, especially beef, hard. Yet imports from these countries do not meet the EU’s high environmental, safety and welfare standards. This two year Campaign therefore aims to increase awareness of our high EU production standards, and underline the many benefits of the EU livestock sector for growth & jobs & the environment, as well as the nutritious benefits of eating European meat with new easy to cook receipes, distinguishing fact from fiction”.

New documents were presented at the launch event shedding light on the benefits of the EU beef & veal and pork sectors and showing new initiatives being developed by European farmers and agri-cooperatives to ensure an even greener economy and more viable sector. For instance, the beef sector maintains permanent grassland which makes to possible to maintain a high level of biodiversity. Whilst in the pork sector, Copa & Cogeca, together with leading EU agri-food, veterinary, road transport and animal welfare groups, are putting together voluntary initiatives to ensure even higher animal welfare standards. New easy to cook receipes were also presented at the event with live cooking and tasty products from top chefs showcased.

Thursday April 21, 2016/ Copa-Cogeca/ European Union.

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