After a process that started in 2012, in the frame of the goals considered in the National Swine Commission, the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries of Japan recently announced to the authorities of the Animal Health National Service (Servicio Nacional de Salud Animal, SENASA), pertaining to the Ministry of Agriculture and Stockbreeding, that Japan recognises the status of Costa Rica as a country free from swine fever, and it opens its doors again not only to pig meat, but also to offal and other derivatives, as well as to pig meat cured sausages.
The National Swine Commission is formed by the public sector institutions (MAG-SENASA-CNP-COMEX-MEIC-Directorate General of Customs), as well as by representatives of the producers and the industrialists, and it is coordinated by the Vice-Minister Xinia Chaves Quirós.

In the Commission, work has been carried out towards, among other subjects, the consolidation of the Swine Producers' Chamber, the normalisation of the labelling, the search for new markets for the exportation and the preparation of a census in the sector.
The next step is the process of identification of the companies interested in exporting pig products to Japan.
In 2013 the protocol for exporting pig meat to China was signed, and it was endorsed during the visit of the President of China to Costa Rica in early June.
Thursday January 16, 2014/ MAG/ Costa Rica.