Several ministers highlighted the need to avoid a further spread of the disease in the EU. Therefore, they supported the members states directly affected by the disease which requested that the Commission:
- coordinate the EU veterinary and sanitary measures to eradicate and prevent the spread of ASF to territories in the EU which are not yet affected;
- ensure that the participation of EU could cover most of the costs for the prevention, control and eradication of the disease within the EU financial contribution framework, including the costs of sampling and laboratory testing;
- explore the possibility of refunding the costs of the veterinary and sanitary measures applied in order to eradicate ASF outbreaks (e.g. killing and destruction of pigs, feed, feed additives, feed materials, medicines, disinfection, etc.).
The Commission confirmed that; under certain circumstances, it could envisage a participation of the EU at 75% for veterinary measures in some member states directly affected by the disease.

Monday, October 13 2014/ Council of the EU/ European Union.