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COVID-19: Latin American and Caribbean countries regulating the food supply chain

Ministers and secretaries of agriculture, food, livestock, fisheries and rural development of 25 countries signed a statement detailing measures to ensure sufficient food during the crisis.

6 April 2020

The Ministers and Secretaries of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries, Food and Rural Development of 25 Latin American and Caribbean countries agree to inform the public about the measures taken to ensure the supply of sufficient, safe, and nutritious food for the 620 million consumers in the region.

Currently global stocks of major foods are at a good level, and harvests in major producing countries have been good, meaning there is enough food to ensure supply. Therefore, there are no reasons that justify significant increases in international food prices, and we call on all actors in the food system to prevent speculation at this time of emergency.

The authorities seek to provide technical and financial assistance to small and medium-sized agricultural operations,and ensure the regular functioning of local, regional and national wholesale markets. Food banks and emergency programs are also to be implemented.

The countries will constantly monitor logistics chains, especially those that include two or more countries, and establish measures to expeditiously resolve any bottleneck that may affect their operation. Electronic food commerce platforms will be introduced to provide flexibility in trade while respect social distancing.

April 3, 2020/ FAO.

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