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Crisis in the EU pig and dairy sectors

In the face of the extremely dificult situation endured by the farmers, they have mobilised, and several demonstrations are taking place in several European countries.

4 September 2015

In the face of the extremely difficult situation endured by the farmers, they have mobilised, and several demonstrations are taking place in several European countries.

With the aim of addressing the economic crisis that the dairy and pig sectors of several EU member states are enduring with a lower or higher intensity, the Council of Ministers of Agriculture has organised an extraordinary meeting next Monday 7 September.

The Ministers of Agriculture of several countries, among them Spain, France, Germany, Italy, Portugal and Poland, have held different meetings with the aim of submitting joint proposals. Among the proposals of the different member states we have the private pork storage, but some states fully disagree.

For its part, the European Agriculture Commissioner, Mr. Phil Hogan, declared, in a press conference held last 26 August that, despite the limitations of the Commission, he committed to study all the possible solutions next 7 September, as well as during the probable meeting of the European Parliament Agriculture Committee the following day. During his intervention, Mr. Hogan ruled out any kind of action that may compromise the EU market position, showing his disagreement with all the measures that could lead to the intervention of the products instead of searching for new markets.

In the face of the difficult situation faced by the farmers, they have mobilised. One of the most outstanding  demonstrations took place yesterday in Paris organised by French associations, with great attendance. Copa-Cogeca has organised another demonstration that will take place next Monday in Brussels, during the meeting of the Ministers of Agriculture.

In some countries, the farmers' associations have shown their disagreement and are making suggestions to their governments, as for instance the German association ISN, that sent an open letter to the Minister of Agriculture of Germany, Mr. Christian Schmidt, in which they take up a stance against the market interventions, because they consider them counter-productive, whilst they ask for the development of new exportation markets or the expansion of the current ones. For their part, the Irish Farmers' Association (IFA) protested in front of the offices of the European Commission in Dublin, asking the Commission to implement immediate measures. In Belgium, apart from the aids allocated for the pig sector offered by the Belgian Food Chain Agreement, all the agricultural associations have prepared a list of common claims with a view towards the next meeting of the European Ministers of Agriculture. In France, the SNIV-SNCP and Coop de France think that in order to cope with the crisis, there are 3 essential points: make the geographical indication of the meat in the processed products, cured sausages and ready meals something common; strengthen exportations; and reduce competition distortions in tax and social terms.

Wednesday, 2 September 2015/ 3tres3 editorial office.

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