Last week, the disease was detected in a new province: Qinghai.
Since the detection of the first outbreak there are now 22 affected provinces and more than 630,000 animals have been culled in order to try to stop the spreading of the disease.

Qinghai, new province affected by ASF.
According to the information provided by the FAO and based on the Ministry of Agriculture of China, the detection of the ASF virus in a wild boar in November in Jilin that showed genetic differences with respect to the viruses found in the outbreaks that have affected domestic pigs, together with the detection of the disease, later on, on a wild boar farm in Heilonjgiang, forced the Ministry to increase the measures for the control of ASF, among which we can find: sharing information regarding the unusual death of wild boars, increasing the active surveillance in high risk areas, interrupting the transmission cycle, not feeding domestic pigs and wild boars with waste, improving biosecurity, forbidding the sharing of workers and staff between different producers, forbidding the pig and wild boar farmers to introduce wild boars on their farms and forbidding the raising of free-range pigs in those areas commonly inhabited by wild boars.
Monday December 17, 2018.