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Current situation of ASF in the European Union

Next, we present data on the evolution of African swine fever in pigs and wild boars in the EU countries between 2014 and June 2018.

29 June 2018

According to the data published by the Ministry of Agriculture of Spain in its report “The situation of African swine fever in Eastern Europe”, from 2014 until June 11th, 2018, the following outbreaks have been declared:

No. of outbreaks Pigs/Wild boars
Pigs/Wild boars
Pigs/Wild boars
Pigs/Wild boars
Pigs/Wild boars
Poland 2/24 1/52 20/80 81/741 13/1,348 117/2,245
Latvia 32/148 10/752 3/864 8/947 0/347 53/3,058
Lithuania 6/45 13/111 19/303 30/1,328 5/944 53/3,058
Estonia 0/41 18/723 6/1,052 3/637 0/164 27/2,617
Czech Rep. 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/202 0/28 0/230
Romania 0/0 0/0 0/0 2/0 7/1 9/1
Hungary 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/14 0/14

In the following maps, we show the distribution of the outbreaks declared to the ADNS by Poland, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, the Czech Rep. and Romania during 2016 and 2017 in wild boars and domestic pigs, as well as the current situation in the EU countries affected since early 2018:

Map of the outbreaks declared in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Poland in 2016 (Source: RASVE-ADNS)

Map of the outbreaks declared in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Poland in 2016 (Source: RASVE-ADNS)

Map of the outbreaks declared in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, the Czech Rep. and Romania in 2017 (Source: RASVE-ADNS)

Map of the outbreaks declared in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, the Czech Rep. and Romania in 2017 (Source: RASVE-ADNS)

Map of the outbreaks declared in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, the Czech Rep. and Romania in 2018 (until June 11th, 2018) (Source: RASVE-ADNS)

Map of the outbreaks declared in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, the Czech Rep. and Romania in 2018 (until June 11th, 2018) (Source: RASVE-ADNS)

Implementig Decision 2014/709/UE decided that the affected member states and third countries were listed in three parts or sections of the Annex based on their risk level and their epidemiological situation with respect to the disease, establishing conditions for the movements of live animals and animal products. Therefore, Part III included territories where the circulation of the virus had been shown, Part II would include the areas where there had been unusual identifications of the virus, and Part I would be the buffer zone that would provide the system with a higher security. The regions included in each of the Parts of the Annex have been modified according to the evolution of the epidemiologic situation at all times in order to try to control the progress of the disease.

In the following graphs we can see the evolution through time of the number of outbreaks notified to the ADNS by Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, the Czech Republic and Romania in domestic pigs and wild boars.

Monthly evolution of the ASF outbreaks in domestic pigs in 2017 and 2018 (until June 11th, 2018)

Monthly evolution of the ASF outbreaks in domestic pigs in 2017 and 2018 (until June 11th, 2018)

Monthly evolution of the ASF outbreaks in wild boars in 2017 and 2018 (until June 11th, 2018)

Monthly evolution of the ASF outbreaks in wild boars in 2017 and 2018 (until June 11th, 2018)

In order to bear in mind the recent epidemiological evolution regarding ASF in the EU, and to proactively fight the risks related to the spreading of this disease, new high risk areas with a sufficient size must be delimited in Hungary and Poland and include them in the lists of Parts I and II of the Annex of the Implementing Decision 2014/709/UE. Therefore, this Annex must be modified through the publishing of the Implementing Decision (UE) 2018/834 of the Commission of June 4th, 2018.

The regionalisation map currently in force is the following:


Tuesday, June 12th, 2018/ MAPAMA/ Spain.

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