In the 4th quarter of 2011, meat production amounted to 128 116 tonnes. It decreased by 7.8%, of which by 6.0% in poultry, by 8.6% in pig meat, and by 8.7% in beef.
The number of slaughtered pigs was 746 466 heads, i.e. by -7.6% y-o-y, of which by -30.5% in sows and by -7.1% in fattened pigs. A reduction of sow slaughtering corresponds to decreased culling rate in sows. Pig meat production fell by 8.6% to 65 574 tonnes.

Pig meat production decreased by 4.7% to 262 944 tonnes in 2011. This corresponded to the decline in the most significant category – fattened pigs. Meat production originated in sow slaughtering was changing during 2011. It fell from 23.2 thousand sows slaughtered in the first quarter to 13.6 thousand in the fourth quarter.
A deficit of external trade in live pigs was 2 479 tonnes in the period from December 2010 to November 2011; import amounted to 21 082 tonnes (-7.8%), export 18 603 tonnes ( 11.7%). Animals for slaughter counted for 41% of the total import and for 87% of the total export. The significant category of import (51%) was young pigs up to 50 kg; 430 thousand pigs in the average weight of 25 kg were imported. Live pigs came from Denmark (44%), Germany (25%) and from the Netherlands (20%) and went to Hungary (43%) and Slovakia (41%). A negative balance of external trade in pig meat (-171 182 tonnes) comprised 209 877 tonnes imported and 38 695 tonnes exported pig meat. Both import and export rose, by 8.0% and 9.5%, respectively. Most of pig meat was imported from Germany (48%); other countries shared total import less than 10% for each one. Export primarily went to Slovakia (85%).
Tuesday January 30, 2012/ Czech Statistical Office/ Czech Republic.