In Q1 2012 the meat production amounted to 111.785 tonnes and decreased by 5.1% compared to Q1 2011. The year-on-year drop consisted of decrements in beef (by 7.4%) and in pigmeat (by 9.2%), while the poultry meat production went up by 4.0%. Agricultural producer prices increased y-o-y by 6.7% for cattle for slaughter, by 19.8% for pigs, by 7.0% for poultry, and by 3.1% for milk.
Slaughtering and meat production

The number of slaughtered pigs was lower by 9.3% y-o-y. The number of slaughtered sows fell sharply (by -35.9%) from 23 thousand heads in Q1 2011 to current 15 thousand heads. The total pigmeat production decreased by 9.2% y-o-y to 60 018 tonnes.
The number of pigs as at 31 December 2011 plummeted to 1 487 thousand heads (19.4%), of which the number of sows decreased to 97 thousand heads (20.7%) and the number of fattened pigs (more than 50 kg of live weight) fell to 611 thousand heads (18.9%). Reproduction of sows retained a progressive trend; the number of weaned piglets was 23.5 per sow and year ( 6.2%).
Agricultural producer prices
In Q1 2012 agricultural producer prices of pigs for slaughter grew by 19.8%. The average price of pigs for slaughter in S, E and U quality classes was CZK 31.37 per kg of live weight or CZK 40.42 per kg of carcass weight.
External trade in live animals and meat
Imports of live pigs accounted to 7 383 tonnes ( 42.0%) and exports reached 5 601 tonnes (11.6%). Animals for slaughter amounted to 50% of imports and 93% of the total exports. Live pigs were imported mainly from Germany (44%), Denmark (26%), Slovakia (11%), and the Netherlands (10%); exports went to Hungary (40%), Slovakia (32%), and Germany (18%).
Monday April 30, 2012/ Czech Statistical Office/ Czech Republic.