A decline of meat production in all categories of meat was typical for the year 2013; the respective declines were by 1.4% for beef, by 2.3% for pigmeat, and by 2.9% for poultrymeat while agricultural producer prices of animals for slaughter grew for cattle (+0.5%), pigs (+2.7%), poultry (+7.1%) as well as prices of milk (+7.8%).
The balance of external trade in live pigs in the period from December 2012 to November 2013 changed to positive one in relation to the previous period (+3 720 tonnes). Imports and exports of live pigs amounted to 19 802 tonnes (−36.4%) and 23 521 tonnes (+8.9%), respectively. Imports were influenced by plummets in both important categories: piglets (−30.7%, −159 thous. heads) and pigs for slaughter (−43.8%, −69 thous. heads). Exports were affected by increased amount of pigs for slaughter (+9.6%, +20 thous. heads) and of purebred pigs for breeding (+65.5%, +5 thous. heads). Live pigs were imported from Germany, Denmark and the Netherlands and they were exported to Slovakia, Hungary and Germany.
The negative balance of external trade in pigmeat (−182 527 tonnes) was represented by 224 767 tonnes (−1.6%) of imported and 42 241 tonnes (−1.1%) of exported pigmeat. The decline of the negative balance ceased. Pigmeat came mostly from Germany, Spain and Poland; Slovakia held a dominant position in exports.

Thursday January 30, 2014/ CZSO/ Czech Republic.