In Q3 2014 the total meat production amounted to 113 760 tonnes (+0.7%, year-on-year), of which 15 913 tonnes were beef and veal (+0.6%), 58 196 tonnes were pigmeat (+0.6%), and 39 578 tonnes were poultrymeat (+0.8%).
The number of slaughtered pigs decreased by 1.3% to 653 858 heads; however, raised weight at slaughter (115.5 kg) caused a slight growth of pigmeat production by 0.6%. The total production amounted to 58 196 tonnes.

The number of pigs as at 31 July 2014 rose to 1 632.3 thous. heads (+2.5%), y-o-y. The number of sows declined (−0.9%) while in all other categories the number went up: by 0.5% for pigs for fattening, by 2.8% for covered gilts, and by 4.7% for pigs up to 50 kg.
Friday October 31, 2014/ CSO/ Czech Republic.