In Q2 2013 the total meat production amounted to 111 968 tonnes. It decreased in all categories, year-on-year: by 2.3% in beef, by 1.4% in pigmeat, and by 5.0% in poultrymeat. Agricultural producer prices of animals for slaughter went up by 3.2% for cattle and by 11.4% for poultry, and they went down by 0.3% for pigs.
The number of slaughtered pigs (668 thous. heads) decreased by 1.5%, y-o-y; the main reason was – similarly to cattle slaughtering – an increased number of exported animals for slaughter. The total pigmeat production was 59 030 tonnes (−1.4%); it grew by 1.5% compared to Q1 2013.

Imports of pigmeat reached 50 775 tonnes (−11.6%) and its exports 8 650 tonnes (16.1%). Pigmeat was imported mainly from Germany and exported to Slovakia.
Tuesday July 30, 2013/ Czech Statistics/ Czech Republic.