In Q2 2012 the total meat production amounted to 115 113 tonnes (-6.8%), of which 16 379 tonnes (-9.1%) were beef and veal, 59 849 tonnes (-11.1%) were pigmeat, and 38 823 tonnes (+1.9%) were poultry meat. Agricultural producer prices of animals for slaughter went up by 9.5% in cattle, by 15.3% in pigs, and by 1.4% in chicken. Dairies collected 625 072 thousand litres of milk (+7.3%); agricultural producer prices of milk went down by 4.2%.
In Q2 2012 the number of slaughtered pigs decreased by 11.2%, y-o-y, to 678.2 thousand heads; this is in accordance with a decline of the total number of live pigs. The fallen number of slaughtered sows (-33.2%) is positive for a further progress in pig production. The total pigmeat production was 59 849 tonnes (-11.1%).

According to the livestock survey as at 1 April 2012, the number of pigs proceeded with decline to 1 578.8 thousand heads (-9.7%). The decrease was identified in pigs for fattening (-12.6%), nevertheless the number of breeding pigs went up by 9.0%, y-o-y. Although number of sows plummeted even to 100.2 thousand heads (-10.9%), the number of gilts, particularly cowered ones, soared (+58.0%).
Agricultural producer prices of pigs for slaughter grew by 15.3%. The producers sold pigs for slaughter in S, E and U quality classes for CZK 32.40 per kg of live weight or CZK 41.76 per kg of carcass weight.
According to preliminary results, external trade in live animals in the period from March to May 2012 reached a positive balance in live weight for cattle (13 331 tonnes) and poultry (7 152 tonnes), and a negative balance for pigs (-3 994 tonnes). In the trade in live pigs, their imports amounted to 7 916 tonnes and were increased by 44.3%, y-o-y; exports reached 3 922 tonnes and were decreased by 40.9%. Imports were predominantly comprised of pigs up to 50 kg of weight (118.4 thousand heads in the average weight of 26.8kg), whereas exports included mainly pigs over 50 kg of weight (30.2 thousand heads in the average weight of 114.5kg). Live pigs were imported from Germany (32%), Denmark (29%), Slovakia (16%), and the Netherlands (12%); exports went to Hungary (46%) and Slovakia (42%).
External trade1 in meat was negatively balanced in all meat categories: -2 784 tonnes of beef, -47 588 tonnes of pigmeat and -16 278 tonnes of poultry meat. Imports of pigmeat reached 56 653 tonnes (+8.3%) and exports were 9 065 tonnes (-6.8%). Majority of pigmeat was imported from Germany (43%) and from other countries (less than 10% for each), and exported to Slovakia (86%) and Germany (11%).
Monday July 30, 2012/ CZSO/ Czech Republic.