In Q1 2014 the meat production amounted to 107 714 tonnes, i.e. by 0.9% less than in Q1 2013. Production of all main categories of meat changed only slightly, y-o-y (+0.1% for beef, −1.4% for pigmeat, and −0.3% for poultrymeat).
In Q1 2014 the number of slaughtered pigs decreased to 639 495 heads; i.e. by 1.7%, y-o-y. The total pigmeat production declined to 57 319 tonnes, y-o-y (by 1.4%). It was by 3.2% lower than in Q4 2013 (during Q4 the highest proportion of yearly meat production usually occurs).

The number of pigs as at 31 December 2013 increased to 1 547.7 thous. heads (+0.9%). Although there was a decline in the category of pigs for fattening by 3.0%, y-o-y, number of pigs for breeding increased by 6.3 %; out of them number of sows went up by 4.2% (to 102.4 thous. heads) and number of covered gilts rose by 11.1%.
Imports of live pigs amounted to 4 970 tonnes (−12.3%) and their exports to 5 689 tonnes (−5.5%). Imports of piglets plummeted to 81.0 tonnes (−31.6%). Imports of pigs for slaughter rose to 23.1 tonnes (+14.5%) while their exports dropped to 46.8 tonnes (−8.1%). Live pigs were imported mainly from Germany (both pigs for slaughter and piglets) and Denmark (piglets). Exports went predominantly to Slovakia and Hungary.
Wednesday April 30, 2014/ CSU/ Czech Republic.