Meat production in the 3rd quarter of 2011 amounted to 125 673 tonnes; it decreased by 4.9%, year-on-year. The drop consisted of a decrease in poultry (by 8.8%) and in pig meat (by 3.4%), while beef production remained almost unchanged (decreased by 0.1%).
In the 3rd quarter of 2011, the number of pigs for slaughter went down by 3.4% to 728 016 heads. Sow´s slaughtering fell by 21.5%; this fact demonstrates the culling rate in sows has decreased. The average carcass weight did not change, it was 87.8 kg. Total pig meat production amounted to 63 941 tonnes (by 3.4% lower, y-o-y).

As at August 1st 2011, the number of pigs went down to 1 658.0 thousand heads (by 14.9% y-o-y). The number of sows declined to 103.5 thousand heads (by 20.4% y-o-y).
According to preliminary results, external trade in live animals in the period of June to August 2011 reached a negative balance in pigs (1 003 tonnes). Import of live pigs went down to 5 271 tonnes in total (by 16.7%) and export reached 4 267 tonnes (an increase by 8.0%). Animals for slaughter counted for 47% of the import and 89% of the total export. Live pigs were imported mainly from Denmark (42%), Germany (26%), and Netherlands (21%); export went to Slovakia (45%) and Hungary (43%).
External trade in meat was negatively balanced, the deficit amounted to 4 447 tonnes in beef, 46 264 tonnes in pig meat, and 14 844 tonnes in poultry. Import of pig meat reached 55 781 tonnes (by 13.0% higher than in the same period of the last year) and export 9 517 tonnes (by 9.1% higher). Majority of pig meat was imported from Germany (51%) and exported to Slovakia (84%). Share of other countries on import or export was less than 10% for each one.
Sunday october 31/ CSU/ Czech Republic.