In Q1 2013 the meat production amounted to 108 651 tonnes, i.e. by 2.8% less, year-on-year. Production of all main categories was lower, y-o-y: beef (−3.5%), pigmeat (−3.1%), and poultrymeat (−1.9%).
In Q1 2013 the number of slaughtered pigs declined by 3.6%, y-o-y, to 651 thous. heads. The average live weight of pigs for slaughter (excluding breeding sows and boars) was 112.8 kg. The total pigmeat production amounted to 58 136 tonnes (−3.1%).

According to the last survey in cattle as at 31 December 2012, the number of pigs as at 31 December 2012 increased to 1 534 thousand heads (+3.1%), of which the number of sows went up to 98 thous. heads (+1.4%). The number of fattened pigs (more than 50 kg of live weight) did not change significantly (615 thous. heads; +0.6%) compared to the last year. Number of covered gilts increased (21 thous. heads; +7.3%). Reproduction of sows retained a progressive trend; the number of weaned piglets rose to 23.9 per sow and year.
External trade in live animals and meat
According to preliminary results, external trade in live animals in the period from December 2012 to February 2013 reached a positive balance in all livestock types: 13 901 tonnes in cattle, 1 921 tonnes in pigs, and 7 380 tonnes in poultry. Imports of live pigs amounted to 4 054 tonnes (−50.3%) and their exports to 5 975 tonnes (+2.2%). The resulting positive balance was influenced by significant decline of exports of pigs having more than 50 kg of live weight, i.e. for slaughter, in combination with increased imports of purebred pigs intended for breeding. Live pigs were imported mainly from Denmark, Germany and the Netherlands; the category up to 50 kg prevailed. Exports went to Slovakia and Hungary and included mainly pigs for slaughter.
External trade in meat was negatively balanced in all categories: −2 592 tonnes of beef, −45 688 tonnes of pigmeat and −15 146 tonnes of poultrymeat. In total 53 874 tonnes of pigmeat (+4.0%) were imported mainly from Germany and Austria, and 8 186 tonnes (−17.8%) were exported predominantly to Slovakia.
Tuesday April 30, 2013/ CZSO/ Czech republic.