
Czech Republic - Year-on-year decrease in pork production

In the 1st quarter 2010, 130 881 tonnes of meat were produced, i.e. by 3.6 % less than in the same period of the previous year. A decrease of production was shown in beef (by 7.4 %), pig meat (by 4.7 %), and poultry (by 0.1 % only).
3 May 2010
In the 1st quarter 2010, 130 881 tonnes of meat were produced, i.e. by 3.6 % less than in the same period of the previous year. A decrease of production was shown in beef (by 7.4 %), pig meat (by 4.7 %), and poultry (by 0.1 % only).

Number of pigs slaughtered declined y-o-y by 5.9 %, of which number of sows by 20.5 %. The average carcass weight of pigs was 89.2 kg (by 1.2 % higher than in the 1st quarter of the previous year). Pig meat production decreased y-o-y by 4.7 % to 69 347 tonnes.

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