In Q2 2014 the meat production amounted to 114 468 tonnes and increased in all categories, year-on-year. It consisted of 16 178 tonnes of beef (+1.1%), 60 606 tonnes of pigmeat (+2.7%), and 37 603 tonnes of poultry (+1.9%). Milk collection rose to 599 729 thousand litres (+0.5%). Agricultural producer prices declined, year-on-year, for cattle for slaughter (−2.5%) and chicken (−5.3%), and rose for pigs for slaughter (+3.9%) and milk (+19.1%).
The number of pigs as at 1 April 2014 rose to 1 617.0 thous. heads (+1.9%). This increment was recorded in all main categories: by 0.6% for pigs for fattening, by 10.9% for piglets, and by 2.4% for pigs for breeding, of which by 0.6% for sows and by 6.8% for gilts.
Wednesday July 30, 2014/ CZSO/ Czech Republic.