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Demand for meat in Russia has increased due to the decline of pork and chicken prices

As a result of eleven months of 2017, pork accounted for 35.1% of the total volume of industrial meat production.

26 January 2018

Meat production in Russia continues to grow steadily and the large-scale farms and corporate agricultural companies are the main contributors to this success. According to the EMEAT agency data, production volume of the main types of meat (pork, beef, poultry, lamb and goat) in Russia amounted to 7,048.2 thousand tons in slaughter weight for the period from January to November 2017, which is 7.1% or 465.2 thousand tons more than for the same period in 2016.

As a result of eleven months of 2017, pork accounted for 35.1% of the total volume of industrial meat production, poultry for 58.0%, beef for 6.7%, lamb and goat for 0.2%.

At the end of December 2017, the price of domestic pork was 138.3 RUB / kg (1.99 euro / kg), which is 13.6% lower than in the same period last year. During December 2017 the price has increased by 2.2%.

Chicken carcass prices decreased by 13.9% during the year (from the end of December 2016 to the end of December 2017) and amounted to 95.9 RUB / kg (1.38 euro / kg) at the end of December 2017. However the price increased by 0.5% during December 2017.

Thus, despite the December pre-holiday price increase, in general pork and chicken prices decreased in 2017. In a situation where market was flooding with pork and chicken and competition among producers was increasing (producers constantly had to resort to different types of special offers to increase the demand for their products), prices were pushing down. As a result, demand for meat has increased among the customers who are already accustomed to living in the conditions of the economic crisis and who have learned to spend the money reasonably. However, EMEAT believe that this tendency is temporary, and if prices rise again, demand for meat will decrease.

January 2018/ EMEAT/ Russia.

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