The results of the latest census showed an increase in pig numbers in Denmark. Although production is expected to show a small increase in 2014, exports of weaners are likely to be maintained at high levels.
The results of the December pig census showed a modest 1% increase in overall pig numbers in Denmark. Perhaps the most interesting statistic was the 2% increase in the breeding herd and a 10% increase in the numbers of ‘maiden gilts’, which may be an indication that Danish pig farmers now have a more confident view of future market prospects.

Danish pig production was virtually unchanged during 2013 at just over 29 million pigs, and is forecast to grow to 29.4 million in 2014. However, exports of weaners increased to 9.6 million head in 2013 and current forecasts suggest that the total may rise to 10 million head in 2014. Germany remains the principal market for Danish weaner exports but sales to Poland rose significantly during last year, following a significant drop in sow numbers in the country. As a result, the availability of pigs for slaughter in Denmark is expected to fall, albeit modestly, to 18.9 million head in 2014.
February 2014/ Danish Agriculture & Food Council/ Denmark.