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Denmark accelerates PRRS control program

The program that went into effect on May 15, 2023 has already tested a large part of the pig inventory.

23 May 2023

By October 1, all farms must be classified for a PRRS "status." As part of the strategy to reduce PRRS, an ordinance has now been issued that applies to farms with more than 10 sows or 100 pigs.

By October 1, 2023, pig producers must ensure that they know the health status of their herd. To date, 85% of the 4,700 herds in Denmark have already been classified. The plan should help improve piglet survival and reduce antibiotic use.

The goal is for 85% of all sow herds in the country and 75% of all finishing pigs to be free of PRRS by 2025. The program is funded by the state on the premise that sanitary production is the basis of animal welfare.

May 18, 2023/ Agriculture and Food - Pig Industry/ Denmark.

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