
Denmark - Decrease in swine census

The latest data published by the Danish Statistics Service on the swine census during the second trimester of this year show a 2,25% decrease in the total number of swine with respect to the same period last year (11.932.000 animals as opposed to 12.208.000).
22 June 2011
The latest data published by the Danish Statistics Service on the swine census during the second trimester of this year show a 2,25% decrease in the total number of swine with respect to the same period last year (11.932.000 animals as opposed to 12.208.000).

The biggest increase is seen in pigs over 50 kg, with an approximate drop of 14%, going from 246.000 in the second trimester of 2010 to 211.000 in the second trimester of this year.


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