Landbrug & Fødevare Gris, in close cooperation with other agencies, has developed a strategy to reduce the number of PRRS-positive pig farms in Denmark. The goal is to increase the proportion of farms reported as PRRS antibody negative by mid-2025, which will result in improved farm health status and a major impact on the large production fluctuations that can occur during a PRRS outbreak.
The main elements of the plan are:

- Cases with suspected PRRS symptomatology must be reported to the company veterinarian.
- By the end of 2022, all farms must declare their health status with respect to the presence of PRRS antibodies.
- In those farms with unknown or PRRS-positive health status, the veterinarian and the producer must, as of July 1, 2022, report the presence or absence of clinical signs on a monthly basis.
May 3, 2022/ Landbrug & Fødevare Gris/ Denmark.