The Ministry of the Environment and Food of Denmark has published that the machines are ready to build the almost 70 km of fences along the border between Denmark and Germany, and therefore to avoid the entry of African swine fever (ASF) through the hunting of wild boars. The construction work has started in Padborg and it is expected to end in autumn 2019.
It is a 1.5 m-high steel fence buried 0.5 m in the ground with permanent openings in the border crossing of Schengen and other bigger border crossings. The fence will have a total of 20 permanent openings related to water courses and border crossings in the Schengen space. Paths will also be included: at least one per kilometre, and 20x20-cm openings every 100 m to allow the passage of small animals.

Besides the building of the fence, the Danish authorities have intensified wild boar hunting, have decided to impose greater penalties in case of not cleaning or disinfecting properly the vehicles for the transport of animals, and have placed informative signs in the service areas of highways, warning that nature mustn't be littered with leftovers, all this in order to avoid the entry of ASF.
Monday, January 28th, 2019/ Miljø- og Fødevareministeriet/ Denmark.